The invisible things in life

Jun Han Chin
2 min readSep 11, 2022

We don’t realise how good life has become until things break down and we suffer inconveniences.

For years, I’d tried to do as many things on my trusty smart phone as I possibly can. I refused to wear a watch and often, I don’t even bring my wallet with me.

Life was fine until my phone died on me while I was out in April 2022.

I couldn’t buy things as I had neither cash nor card on me.

I couldn’t find my way around without Google Maps.

I was stuck.

If not for this, I wouldn’t have appreciated how reliant I had become on solutions that have become invisible to me.

This incident also highlighted how much I’ve taken people for granted. Family, friends, colleagues, clients, the chefs at my favourite eating places… the list goes on.

Who doesn’t take things and people for granted? It’s natural. We only notice things when disruption happens, much like how we don’t notice the sound of the air conditioning in the background until it’s switched off.

So it’s probably a good idea to take a break from the things we’re used to occasionally. Go on a digital detox. Get away from the usual friends and family and have some quiet alone time. When we take a break from what’s usual, we remind ourselves of the important people and things that have become invisible. And we’ll appreciate them again.

We may not be able to keep all the good things at the forefront of our minds all the time, but we can find ways to shorten the duration in which we take things for granted. And in this process we can be grateful to the people before we lose the chance to do so.

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Jun Han Chin

I write and illustrate ideas around personal development so that you can be 3x more awesome | |